Thursday, January 29, 2009

blogging=composing melody

hi friends...this would be my first blog entry here and it is no doubt that im quite nervous at the moment because i want my very first "musical" blog to be be can someone please give me some courage by applausing?...hahaha...{crazy~}
ok...let's start telling bedtime stories from my blog's title...
"Life's like a music piece"
if someone ask me to describe life
i would say that life's like a music piece
"why?"you asked...
because a good music piece is made up of a rich melody
melody that is full of emotions and expressions
melody that is full of ups and downs
melody that roars like sea and suddenly turns into a calming lake in an instance
melody that can make you smile and cry at the same time
and the same goes for our life
you are laughing as though there is not a single worry in the world
then suddenly...
something bad might strike you
you can never predict life
you can never predict what would be the next note when you are listening to a melody
found the similarities in between?


  1. hurray!! vivian' s got her blogspot! nice try~ looking forward more of them to join in! good job vivian .. haaha~ linked ya~ i'll keep track with u
