Tuesday, November 3, 2009

it's raining,again

recently kelantan has been raining alot
lurve the cooling and calming effect God created
but it's cold
but i'll still turn on my private table fan
so i gotta wear sweater to fight the cold
roomie asked:"why not you just turn off the fan?"
me:"i like the feeling as if im staying in a winter place..."

my face looked extraordinary big in this pic...haizhaizhaiz!!keke

today i came across a passage about memory and sleep
erm it mentioned about a research done where people is asked to memorise some characters
half of the participants were asked to get a sleep after memorising it
while another half of them were asked to carry out other activities
after some time they were asked to recall what they had memorised earlier
and the result was...
those who went to sleep actually been able to recall everything
contrastingly those who did not get any sleep forget what they had memorised...

to explain it in a scientific way...
the thing that we memorise will be stored temporarily in a part of our brain named hippocampus
and when our brain is resting during sleeping
this is the time when the hippocampus communicate with another part of our brain named neocortex
where those memories will be sent to the neocortex to be kept as permanent memory
so if we don't sleep enough
there will be no intervals for the hippocampus to transfer our memory to the neocortex
which means that allllll the things we studied or memorised will only be kept as short-term memory and will be forgotten easily...

can anybody tell me what to do???
should i sleep or should i not???
honestly im not that interested in sleeping as i used to consider it as a time-wasting activity
plus the bed in my hostel here is sooo not comfy
so unless i fish until i feel that my forehead is knocking against my anatomy textbook
if not im not gonna lie on my bed to sleep
but now i gotta think it over again...
ps...i only got max 5 hours of sleep everyday
hhmmm~any suggestion?

last but not least...

im on a secret mission...sshhh~

gotta bid goodbye...
gotta complete my Small Group Discussion homework on Haematology...

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