Tuesday, March 8, 2011


you're too explosive
you're too emotional

sometimes, you just can't display every feelings 
you can't simply write every emotions on your face
you need to hide it, for greater good
when comes to acting, you totally sucks!

you'll not be able to achieve great things with this kinda...honesty!
which is used in the exact wrong wayyyy!!!

this is what you need to learn:

from now on...
you need to search for the calmness within your inner-self
you need to achieve "Zen"

promise me that you'll try your best;)

ps...life's indeed complicated, but please protect your mind, keep it away from being polluted.

May Zen comes to you when you're facing any rocks and pebbles along the journey

1 comment:

  1. Zen is always around us, just that you need some efforts to practise it in your life =)
