Monday, March 1, 2010

the hidden truth

you know what?
i think medical school is evil

medical students are clever 
and sometimes way too clever...

i wouldn't want to believe this fact
but as time is passing by
i've no choice but to accept

after discussing on this topic for long
my "38 society" buddies here decided that...

medical students are nothing but
...(yet to be added)

its hard to actually believe that those rotten souls are actually future doctors
this is so saddening

good and kind souls are almost extinct here...
but im glad to know a few of them
and i'll cherish them
those real,heart-to-heart friendship


im happy with what i have
i like being who i am
the real vivian
so i don't think i need any admirations to prove my wellness
unlike those annoying flowers and bees...


  1. =) at least there are some that is good .. the future healing hands... vivian u can do it.. use ur kindness and love =D spread it to all .. betweenn. human are selfish.. most of the time.. but to be or not to be is up to us to decide... sstay strong vivian! hehe

  2. thanks phoebe^^your words are really full of inspiration...
