Monday, December 6, 2010

a sigh of relieve

the past 2 days were really torturing...
idiopathically,i was asked to do the case presentation this week...
the last week of Gastrointestinal System
and exactly the week before our first term exam
well,the reason that im doing this isn't really idiopathic though,
just don't wanna reveal it here...
anybody interested to know can "38" with me personally la

anyway,the depressing journey started yesterday...
when i went to 4 different wards yet i couldn't find a suitable patient to do the clerking
so,reluctantly,i went back to the previous ward to clerk a not-so-suitable patient
at 3Utara,which is the female surgical ward...
her provisional diagnosis is Esophageal Carcinoma
now you know why she's not-so-suitable

anyway,i had a hard time obtaining the history and trying to perform physical examination on her
and after the clerking,i had insomnia and lost of appetite,
whenever i think of this patient
i feel really,really sad for her

for the past 2 days my world was just SO grey...
so stressful,so depressing,so sad...
and my revision schedule is stucked!

seriously,i need to overcome my hyper-emotional feeling towards my patient
can anybody please provide some tips?
my feeling is so easily affected by the patient's condition...

anyway,i've finished my case presentation just now
and definitely learnt A LOT from Dr.Chew,
a superb doctor from the A&E department,who looked a bit like xiao huang...

nah~everything is done now...
get back to your revision vivian!!!


  1. Keep on striving for selanjar ya! All the best!

  2. yooo!!!so surprised to see you here...hehe...thanka senior,will try my best^^
